The Magic.
I can’t count how many times I’ve stood up in front of a group of strangers and taught a #candlemakingworkshop but I can say that every single time I’ve done it, I’ve felt my nerves creep up.
There’s a moment at the beginning where I think “They’re not going to get it”. When I talk about my journey to Usu Company and the meaning behind #blazeon and #blazeyourowntrail , I wonder if it’s too much information or just information overload in general. As a communicator by study and trade, I watch body language and eye contact to try to get a read on everyone and maybe comfort myself, but it’s always tense.
✨But then the magic sets in ✨
I make it a point to plant my feet, look each person in the eye, and smile. I smile because I’m glad they’re there. I smile because I’m happy to be doing this work. I smile because I want them to know that it doesn’t matter who they are or where they’re from—they’ve already made a friend and can relax. And then word by word, the nerves slip away and I find my emotional footing—running over words that make me feel stronger and more confident, and seeing that it’s all coming together for the audience.
The storytelling portion of workshops has changed a lot, especially this year, based on how life and business have changed. Someone recently asked me if I ever get tired of telling the story and the truth is that I don’t. With every twist and turn that I’ve faced, it makes the story that much more important to share for myself, but also just in case there’s a chance that it reaches and inspires someone else.
The most important thing that I’ve learned is that the magic isn’t in how perfectly I execute the class or how many tickets are sold. The magic is in the people who are that time and that room together, and what they choose to walk away with in their hearts and minds.
#candles #candlemaking #candlemakingworkshop #candleclass